Sunday, August 17, 2014

Git study notes

I'm studying Git recently. The website I'm following is GitGuys. It took me about 10 hours to finish all the topics there and it's really helpful. Some notes taken for future reference.

1. Tracking branch vs Remote tracking branch
2. Reset local master to track remote master
     Method 1: 
          #Rename your local master branch
               git branch -m master _old_master_branch_ 
          #Create a new master branch from a remote source
               git checkout -b master origin/master
  Method 2:
          git fetch remoteSource 
          git reset --hard remoteSource/master
   For method 2, you are throwing away all your changes in current master branch.

—————————————Notes for commands—————————————————————
  1. git hash-object [file_name] // See the full sha1 hash of the file
  2. git ls-files --stage // show list of files in (staging area)/(git index)
  3. git ls-files --stage --abbrev // abbreviate the hash
  4. git show [file_hash_code] //show the content of the file
  5. git cat-file -p HEAD // display the most recent commit and find the git tree it refers to
  6. git ls-tree [tree_hash_code] - -abbrev // display the content of the tree
  7. git tag [tag_name] -m “Input your tag message here”// tag the current state of the repository
  8. git cat-file -p [tag_name] // display details of a tag
  9. git tag -m “Input your tag message here” [tag_name] [hash_code_for_commit_you_wanna_tag]
  10. git tag -l // get a list of tags
  11. git checkout [tag_name] // check out files that were tag with [tag_name]
  12. git ls-files // Show what files are in the git index
  13. git mv README readme // rename a file in the index and the working directory from README to readme
  14. git rm [file_name] --cached// Remove a file from the index while keep it at the actual location
  15. git diff --cached // Differences between the index and the most recent commit
  16. gt diff // Differences between the working directory and the index
  17. git diff HEAD // Differences between the working directory and the most recent commit
  18. git show // Shows both the commit and the difference between the commit and any parent commit
  19. git show HEAD~ //Show the commit from the parent of the HEAD
  20. git show HEAD~2 //Show the commit from the grandparent of the HEAD
  21. git show [hash_code_for_commit]
  22. git branch -d [branch_name] // Delete a branch
  23. git show-branch // Show the branches and the commit history. A “*”begins the line if this branch is the current branch. A “!”begins the line if this branch is not the current branch. The branch name is reported, in [brackets]. The branch’s most recent commit is shown. Below the “—“ line is the commit history. Commits before the common ancestor are shown, until the point where the branches have a common ancestor.
  24. git stash // Temporarily stashing your work
  25. git show [branch_name]:[file_name] // See the content of [file_name] from branch [branch_name]
  26. When we have conflicts when running git merge, command 27 and 28 are there to help.
  27. git ls-files -u // Show which files need merging. 1: The “common ancestor”of the file. 2: The version from the current branch. 3: The version from the other branch.
  28. git show :1:[file_name] // show file in stage 1
  29. git remote // List the names of remote repositories
  30. git push origin master // push the branch names master to the remote repository named origin
  31. git pull origin [branch_name] // When you are on branch [branch_name], you can pull the newest changes from remote repo by this command
  32. git branch --set-upstream [branch_name] origin/[branch_name] // Do this once to avoid typing command 31 every time for pull
  33. git remote prune origin // remove all tracking branches that have been deleted in the remote repo. But it won’t delete the actual local branch
  34. git branch --track [branch_name] origin/[branch_name] // Same result as 34
  35. git branch -r // Show remote tracking branches
  36. git branch -a //Show all branches
  37. git remote -v //Show basic info about the default remote
  38. git remote show origin //Show a lot about a remote

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