<d>Computer Science<\d>
<d>Linear Algebra<\d>
<e> Hello world <\e>
Convert the file into a tree
/ \ \
<b> <c> <e>
/ \
<d> <d>
Note the result don't have to be a binary tree. To functions are given.
1. getToke(): It returns two values Type and Text. Type includes BEGIN, TEXT, END. Text is the actual content of the token.
2. hasNext(): It will return true until the scan hit the end of the file.
You have to first decide how to store the tree structure. Then another problem is how to differentiate between parent and children. We use a stack to store the current parent.
One thing to be careful about is that the xml file may be not in the correct format, i.e. <a>text<\c>. Return NULL in this case.
class Node {
string name;
string content;
vector<Node *> children;
Node (string n, string c = "");
struct Token {
Type type;
String content;
Node * buildTree (){
Token t = getToken();
Node * root = new Node (root.content);
stack<Node *> s;
s.push (root);
while (hasNext()) {
t = getToken();
if (t.type == BEGIN) {
Node * tmp = new Node (t.content);
s.top->children.push_back (tmp);
s.push (tmp);
if (t.type == TEXT) {
tmp->content += t.content;
if (t.type == END) {
//Here you need to check whether the format of xml file is correct
//If the type of token doesn't match, return NULL
if (t.content == s.top())
return NULL;
//if the stack is not empty at the end, xml is not correct formatted, return NULL
if (!s.empty())
return NULL;
return root;
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